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Rose McGowan's Former Manager Commits Suicide Amid Harvey Weinstein Controversy -- And Her Family Blames Rose!

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This is too horrible…
Producer Jill Messick is dead, according to her family — who are making it very clear who they believe is to blame.
Messick was Rose McGowan‘s manager in the 1997, the year Rose claims Harvey Weinstein raped her at the Sundance Film Festival.
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Her family mourned her loss in a public statement, saying:

“Jill Messick was a mother of two children, a loving wife and partner, a dear friend to many and a smart entertainment executive. She was also a survivor, privately battling depression which had been her nemesis for years. Today she did not survive. Jill took her own life.”

They also unequivocally blamed Rose and Harvey — saying Jill “became collateral damage in an already horrific story” as she was caught between the two:

“Seeing her name in headlines again and again, as part of one person’s attempt to gain more attention for her personal cause, along with Harvey’s desperate attempt to vindicate himself, was devastating for her. It broke Jill, who was just starting to get her life back on track. What makes Rose’s inaccurate accusations and insinuations against Jill ironic was that she was the first person who stood up on Rose’s behalf, and alerted her bosses to the horrific experience which Rose suffered.”

Rose claimed she told her manager about the incident, and she did nothing.
Messick did go on to work as a production executive at Weinstein’s Miramax from 1997 to 2003. Harvey recently used a statement attributed to her in his most specific denial of wrongdoing yet.
Related: 50+ Women Have Accused Harvey Weinstein
The family now insists Jill reported the matter to her bosses at Addis Wechsler management at the time and thought that was the end of it:

“All Jill knew was that the matter was settled and that Rose continued making films with the Weinsteins. She never knew any details until recently, when Rose elected to make them public.”

Jill was 50 years old. She is survived by two children, their father, her brother, and her partner.
If you or a loved one is combatting suicidal thoughts please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
[Image via Facebook/RW/Media Punch.]

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Feb 08, 2018 19:30pm PDT