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BitTorrent Inc. Lets Sony Know They're Willing To Host The Interview On Its Servers!

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Sony has faced a lot of criticism for their decision to NOT release The Interview after threats were made against any movie theater that played the controversial movie.
But while the studio has claimed they would like to release the film someway, somehow – no options have opened up and there has been zero offers from any “none major VOD or one major ecommerce site.”
However that may all change because BitTorrent Inc. has expressed their desire to provide to the film to the masses, and they believe Sony should definitely consider using their site to release the film!
Here’s what they said in a statement:

“Like everyone else around the world, we’ve been following this egregious hacking of Sony’s servers over the past few weeks. A trend has emerged among commentary in the days since Sony announced they would not release the motion picture, “The Interview.” There have been calls for Sony to release the film online. And many have contacted us asking: Would they be able to release the movie using BitTorrent? Though we normally would not offer commentary during such a trying time for another company, the answer is yes. BitTorrent Bundle is in fact the very best way for Sony to take back control of their film, to not acquiesce to terrorist threats, and to ensure a wide audience can view the film safely. It would also strike a strong note for free speech. Bundle has a self-publishing platform that anyone from Sony can use: Using the paygate option, Sony are able to set the price for the film and release it widely without implicating anyone or exposing any third party to a terrorist threat. We disagree, however, with some that have suggested that Sony should make the film available through piracy sites. That would only serve to encourage bad actors. It’s also important to make the distinction that these piracy sites are not “torrent sites.” They are piracy sites that are wrongfully exploiting torrent technology. BitTorrent Bundle is a safe and legal way for Sony to release this film and they would join the nearly 20,000 creators and rights holders now using the Bundle publishing platform.”

It may not be Sony’s ideal place to release the movie, but at this point it may be their best option!
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Although most people think of sites like BitTorrent invoking piracy – they are clearly stating here that Sony can set a price for these possible movie downloads, and it really does seem like a viable option.
It would be a HUGE move for the Hollywood industry to see a major power player like Sony embracing torrent downloads — it could even be a game changer.
We’ll be mighty curious to see if they actually do pull this move, or if they’ll even release the movie at all!

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Dec 21, 2014 14:59pm PDT

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