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Southwest Passenger Throws A Tantrum Over Crying Baby & Ends Up Getting Deplaned By Police!

Southwest Passenger Throws A Midair Tantrum Over A Crying Baby & Ends Up Getting Deplaned By Police!

Passengers of a Southwest Airlines flight were left in a fit of laughter after a grown man threw a tantrum over… a baby crying?

In a video posted to TikTok on Monday by social media user mjgrabowski, a man can be seen screaming and cursing out parents and airline staff because a baby had been crying. He asserted the baby had been crying for 45 minutes when the flight was placed in a holding pattern in Palm Beach, Florida due to bad weather — this was the same day Southwest grounded their entire nationwide fleet, so along with the delays, the baby crying was probably not the worst part of this man’s journey!

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In the beginning of the video, TikTok user mjgrabowski can be seen trying to hold in his laughter as the other passenger can be heard throwing a fit in the distance. Yelling that he paid extra to have a “comfortable flight” he said:

“There is a child crying on the flight, non-f**king-stop. Calm the child down, please. I’m not screaming. Do you want me to scream? I’ll f***ing scream. We are in a f**king tin can with a baby in a goddamn echo chamber and you wanna talk to me about being f**king ok?”


We understand being stuck on a plane with an upset baby is rough, but come on! Babies don’t know what’s going on and can’t control themselves, but grown men easily can…

An airline host tries to reason with the man and says “OK, because you’re yelling…” but was quickly cut off by him shouting:

“So is the baby!”


He claimed he was asleep and had his headphones in when the child started to cry and it disturbed him. The crew member tried to remind him he is, in fact, an ADULT, but he snapped back:

“Did that motherf**ker pay extra to yell? F**k you and shut up.”

Oh damn!! The woman sitting next to him, who looked super embarrassed throughout the entire ordeal, tried to help calm him down too — but he wasn’t having it:

“I don’t give a f**k. F**k, lower that baby’s voice. I’m triggered, f**k that baby.”


Sooo, who’s really the baby in this situation?? This man’s yelling certainly isn’t making things any better, because we wouldn’t be surprised if all that loud noise was scaring the child who continues to wail throughout the video!

The flight attendant (who definitely deserves a raise after this) tried one more time to calm him down, but the man was still going off:

“I know an attorney just like you motherf**ker, I got rights. If I hadn’t have said anything, we would be sitting on this motherf**king flight with a kid crying for 45 minutes. Bulls**t.”

Jeez. Imagine if this would’ve been an overseas flight that lasted overnight instead of just 45 minutes!

The passenger then allegedly refused to get off the plane in Orlando, forcing the entire flight to be deplaned along with the workers, just putting everyone even further behind schedule. So frustrating! Eventually he was spotted in the terminal being surrounded by cops while pleading his case, claiming he was justified for the entire ordeal.

Ch-ch-check out the wild video (below):

@mjgrabowski♬ original sound – bad_ideas_galore

The video has since gained nearly 190,000 views and people are anxiously awaiting an update, but all we know is what Southwest told in a statement earlier this week:

“We do not have details on this flight to share but commend our flight crew for their professionalism and offer our apologies to the other customers onboard.”

Commenters under the video, however, are torn — some are even on the man’s side! Ch-ch-check out some reactions (below):

“I died at “you’re yelling” “so is the baby!” Cause he got y’all there if the baby can scream he can too”

“dude filming this is cracking up, he is the best…

“Have we tried swaddling this man? He needs some soothing techniques.”

“I always wonder like do you THINK the parents want a crying child?? OBVIOUSLY NO!!! We are HYPER aware our child is screaming! Lol”

“Ya know….as someone who doesn’t have kids….I get it”

LOLz!! Swaddling may have been the way to go!

What do U think, Perezcious readers? Let us know if he was in the right or wrong (below).

[Image via mjgrabowski/TikTok]

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Apr 19, 2023 16:06pm PDT