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The National Security Council Says Bye Bye To Steve Bannon!

Steven Bannon
Steve Bannon
Donald Trump‘s chief strategist — has been removed from the National Security Council (something he should’ve never been on in the first place).
Good riddance!!
Related: Rosie O’Donnell Campaigns To Play Steve Bannon On SNL
On Wednesday, it was revealed the former Breitbart executive was no longer listed as a regular attendee of NSC “principals committee” meetings. Additionally, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert‘s role has been “downgraded.”
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is officially the person in charge — and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford are now back as “regular attendees” of the committee.
Sounds like Drumpf is doing a little spring cleaning!
[Image via Fox News.]

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Apr 05, 2017 12:16pm PDT

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