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Amy Winehouse

Blake's Prison Overdose!

He’s in prison, but Amy Winehouse‘s husband may end up in the morgue if he doesn’t get his shit together!
While she focuses on her sobriety (we hope), Blake Fielder-Civil continues his drug abuse behind bars.
The bad boy was recently rushed to the prison hospital after suffering an overdose.
What a fucking idiot!
He needs to stay in prison for a long time and away from Wino.
A probe was launched and prison officers found that Blake had taken a drug believed to be heroin, mixed with a toxic substance.
Plus, to make matters worse, just days before the overdose, he was hauled in front of prison bosses for failing three random drug tests. THREE!
He was locked in solitary as a punishment, but was soon back in search of a fix.
As a result of failing the drug tests (and the overdose), Bad Blake has been banned from all contact with the outside world. That means he can’t have any visitors.
Fielder-Civil is fearful over his relationship with wife Winehouse. And he should be!
Now that she’s (once again, hopefully) sobering up, she will see that she doesn’t need that toxic man in her life. He may end up dead soon anyways.
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 16, 2008 23:14pm PDT

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