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Stormy Daniels Remains SUPER COY While Discussing Donald Trump On Jimmy Kimmel Live! -- WATCH!

Stormy Daniels Remains SUPER COY While Discussing Donald Trump On Jimmy Kimmel Live! -- WATCH!

Forget Donald Trump‘s State Of The Union address! His alleged porn star mistress is speaking out!
In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday night, Stormy Daniels (born Stephanie Clifford) finally made an appearance on the late night show after it was revealed semi-recently she was allegedly paid hush money by Trump’s lawyer as part of a non-disclosure settlement ahead the 2016 election.
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You know she’s got some juicy stories to tell! However, the blonde XXX actress spent most of the visit with Kimmel deflecting from answering any important questions.
Case in point, when asked to comment on the discrepancies regarding her signature on different signed statements, she danced around confirming whether or not she signed the latest affair denial. In fact, she simply answered Jimmy’s question with one of her own:

“That doesn’t look like my signature, does it?”

The rest of the sit down consisted of Daniels shrugging or asking the chat show host to define the word “true.” She also remained tight lipped when asked whether she had signed a non-disclosure agreement.
At one point, Jimmy handed a puppet to the blonde stunner and asked the felt figure to address the Trump affair allegations. Too funny.
Following the coy interview, her lawyer Keith Davidson has since rushed into crisis mode and defended that Stormy was simply “having fun on Kimmel and being her normal playful self.” He continued:

“…the signature is indeed hers as she signed the statement today in the presence of me and her manager, Gina Rodriguez.”

Be sure to ch-ch-check out her visit with Jimmy for yourself (above)!!

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Jan 31, 2018 08:17am PDT