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The Colts Have Released Peyton Manning!

Manning Released
All you Colts fans can grab you tissues now, because we’re sure there’ll be a lot of boo-hooing over the fact that the team just released Peyton Manning!
We say: 14 years is nothing to shake a stick at. Good job, and maybe it’s time for some fresh meat!
Who knows, maybe whoever takes the spot will do so in a spectacular way??
Plus, it sounds like it was a choice of both the team AND Peyton… plus his jersey is being retired.
Peyton was the No. 1 pick in the 1998 NFL draft by the Colts. As the starting QB, he lead them 11 playoff berths, two conference championships and one Super Bowl victory.
But it was a neck injury in 2010 that may have put an end to a long career for the Colts, even though he’s been cleared to play by the docs.
Bob Kravitz had this to say:

“It’s impossible to overstate the civic impact Manning had on this franchise, on this city and on this region. He did it not only as an athlete but as a philanthropist. He was, and still is, the most important athlete ever to grace the playing fields of Indianapolis.”

We’re sure that even though he’s gone… he’s not really gone. Indianapolis was his home, and we think, will always be his home.
Good luck, Peyton!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 07, 2012 14:30pm PDT

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