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Clay Aiken

The Gayken's Unfriendly Skies

The Gayken's Unfriendly Skies

OMG! Guuurrrrrlll!!!
This is the best shizz ever!
Clay Aiken got into a flight with a fellow passenger on a fight Saturday because he was being a diva bitch.
It got so heated that the FBI were involved in the little altercation!!!!

Singer Clay Aiken was involved in an airplane disturbance with another passenger while en route to Tulsa International Airport, a newspaper reported.
The dispute on a Continental Airlines flight took place between Aiken, who was traveling Saturday morning to a performance at the Brady Theater, and a woman, the Tulsa World reported for Sunday’s editions.
Concertgoers who attended the former “American Idol” singer’s show said afterward that Aiken joked on-stage about being beaten up by a girl earlier in the day.
FBI Special Agent Gary Johnson said there was a dispute between a male passenger and a woman on the flight but could not confirm the passenger was Aiken. He said the dispute was over the male passenger’s foot resting on the woman’s armrest. He said there was an allegation the woman gave the male passenger a “minor shove” during the argument.
“At that point the flight crew was able to resolve the situation,” Johnson said.
Tulsa Airport Authority spokeswoman Alexis Higgins said the passengers were held until FBI agents arrived to interview them. No injuries were reported and no arrests were made.

Do you love it?????
Simmer down, Gayken! And keep your stank feet to yourself!

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Jul 08, 2007 02:03am PDT

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