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Jonas Brothers

The Jonai Do Rolling Stone!!!

The Jonai Do Rolling Stone!!!


They’re all grown up!

The JoBros grace the July cover of Rolling Stone to discuss the band and address all the haters!

Here are some HIGHlights:

Kevin on musical credibility:
“I think we are working to make that trade without having to give anything up. But I think it will take time, because of where we came from. I would honestly say to anybody, if you were in a band like us, you would take advantage of those platforms too. It’s easy for people to say, ‘No, I’m a real rock & roller,’ but I think you do what you’ve got to do.”

Kevin on rumors that they follow orders:
“We have an operation around us that we run. It’s not run for us, or dictated to us. Everything that we do, we sign off on.”

Joe on haters:
“Personally, I’m not in the band to say, ‘Hey, you need to respect us, take us seriously,’ because that’s kind of stupid. We’re doing it because we love it, and we don’t care what age group we attract. If they like our music, they like our music, and if they don’t, fine. We don’t need you like our music.”

We didn’t hear much from Nick but it seems that he has taken over as the band’s creative lead, working with the touring band. The bros refer to him as “Mr. President!”

Sounds like they are finding their own voices!

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Jun 24, 2009 09:45am PDT

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