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Al Gore

The View From the Right


John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel who now works as an on-camera weatherman in San Diego, California,
spoke out last week to say that Al Gore and the United Nations’ global warming claims are a bunch of baloney.

From founder of a network to weatherman? Kinda sounds like a step down to us!

Maybe he made loads of money from the sale of the channel and just really likes weather reporting?

You can click here to read Coleman’s diatribe.

However, in re. Coleman’s claims — are they truly objective counter points to Gore’s Inconvenient Truth.

Coleman’s claims reeked ‘Republican-right’ arguments to ‘Democrat-left’ Gore’s assertions (i.e. Coleman appears to support flinging the environmentalists out of the way to get at America’s oil sources and build more oil refineries across the land). Plus, he gave a shout out to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for sharing his P.O.V. with the masses.

Are his assertions that Gore and the UN manipulated their scientific data to advance the global warming theory right on?

The 9,000 scientists he says signed a petition refuting the global warming claims — are they totally free from any influence from the oil industry?

Can we really pump shit loads of CO2 in the air and it not hurt us, like Coleman argues?

Are there objective ‘non-partisan’ voices out there on the issue?

[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 19, 2008 17:45pm PDT

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