We can’t blame them!
The Walking Dead is one of the bloodiest, goriest shows on TV, and it’s taking its toll on the actors!
In fact, they’ve even started changing the menu for people while they’re on-set!
Instead of meat-based foods, 80 percent of what the crew is now enjoying are vegetarian things like spinach and avocado salad with garlic mustard vinaigrette, black bean and cheese Mexican enchiladas, and mushroom risotto!
[ Photos: Vegetarian Celebrities ]
So, don’t worry, they’re still eatin’ good while on the job!
One of the show’s stars, Norman Reedus, recently said:
“I’ve become a vegetarian and I’m kind of bummed about it. After watching ‘Walkers’ realistically look as though they are consuming bloody human flesh or seeing heads and other body parts sliced off, no one was touching the red meat or even chicken that was on offer. And, often, we’re talking about hundreds of people who need to be fed on a show that regularly uses an enormous number of extras all made-up to look so scary they’d put anyone off eating. And who could possibly sit down to liver and onions or a kidney dish after slopping around in very lifelike entrails or other realistic props on set?”
Umm, we don’t even want to eat meat after reading that description!
But that hasn’t stopped one twisted tradition from taking place when a character is about to die. Andrew Lincoln explained:
“On the eve of a regular facing a grisly end, we always have what we call a ‘Last Supper’ for them.”
And this ├óΓé¼╦£last supper’ consists of eating ribs with no silverware! Hands only!
Could YOU eat the meat if you worked on this show???
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