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They Can't Keep The Help

Victoria Beckham is major….a major pain in the ass!
Posh & Becks have had not one but TWO nannies quit recently because they claim the superstar couple are unbearable to work for.
The first nanny, New Zealander Zara, had been with the family over a year. The second, Londoner Claire, fled after only six months.
An inside source said: “You’d imagine it’s a dream job working for celebrities like that in California. But these two trained professionals said it was a nightmare. They complained Victoria spoke down to them, her mother Jackie bossed them about and they felt like dogsbodies.”
They were employed as nannies but the two hired help ended up doing much more.
“Both girls ended up having to cook and clean up for all the family,” says a source. “Victoria and Jackie constantly nagged and ordered them about. Some days they were on the go from 6am to midnight. The pay was OK but they just got sick of it.”
And Vickie probably starved the nannies too.
You can’t have fat nannies in the Posh household!

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Aug 27, 2007 12:35pm PDT