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Vanessa On Zac


CosmoGirl got an intimate peek at Vanessa Hudgens‘s relationship with Zac Efron in their new issue, which features Vagenessa on the cover.

Zacquisha dropped in on Vanessa’s interview with the mag and the author writes, “When she sees Zac, she runs over and they kiss, oblivious to the dozen of us in the room. She rubs his stomach, he puts his arm around her — these gestures say more than any statement she could make.”


So staged!

Vanessa also tells the mag, “If you really love someone, you shouldn’t have to work at it. You finish each others’ sentences and have the same sense of humor.”

That’s especially easy if you have a fake relationship!

Vanessa also (surprisingly) shares some sage – albeit hypocritical – advice for teen girls thinking of getting intimate in their relationships.

“You have to think it through, not just do something spur of the moment,” she says. “So that after it happens you won’t regret it. I think girls can be infatuated with their boyfriends and they have to remember that they come first.”

Send all the naked pics you want, just don’t surrender the pink, right?

[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 25, 2008 14:15pm PDT

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