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Internet Celeb Brendan Jordan Comes Out As A Member Of The Transgender Community!

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We’re so proud of you!
Brendan Jordan stomped her way onto the scene back in October 2014 after a video of himself dancing in the background of a local news live report went viral.
Since then, the 16-year-old has latched onto his 15 minutes by parlaying his Lady GaGa Applause tribute into a modeling deal with American Apparel and a bunch of other TV appearances.
But Brendan’s biggest moment may have actually come earlier this week when she publicly came out as genderfluid!
Video: Brendan Stars In Delta’s Latest Viral Safety Video
That’s because the teen was invited to introduce Andreja Pejic at the HRC‘s Time to Thrive event and took the opportunity to talk about finding his own identity.
Congrats on living your truth, Brendan!
Ch-ch-check out Brendan’s empowering speech (below)!!!

P.S. Brendan has stated that she uses both the pronouns he and she, hence why we were fluid throughout the piece!
[Image via Brendan Jordan/Instagram.]

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Feb 19, 2016 13:32pm PDT