Will Smith is really opening up this Father’s Day…
The Independence Day actor sat down with wife Jada Pinkett Smith on the set of Red Table Talk to discuss his own experiences with fatherhood and parenting on the special day — both as a son and a father. And right from the start he’s opening up in quite an interesting way.
Related: Will Smith Hosts Amazing And Nostalgic ‘Fresh Prince’ Reunion!
For one, the former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star doesn’t hesitate to admit his first fatherly instincts kicked in simply because he felt like his own dad wasn’t doing a very good job. Speaking candidly to his beloved wife and life partner, Will said:
“From the time I was six years old, I wanted to be a father. I loved how my family was but there were massive critical deficiencies in my father’s parenting that I wanted to correct. By the time I was ten years old, I remember looking at my father and thinking that I could do it better than him. My father had a little bit of a temper. I was a gentle kid, like, I was not a kid that you had to slap or punch or beat. So growing up in a household where physical aggression was approved of, that really chaffed my hide. That hurt my spirit.”
Whoa! That’s very real… and there was quite a bit for Will to unpack emotionally there, as you’d expect.
The world-famous actor also spoke candidly about reflecting on his very first experiences as a father, when son Trey Smith was born to him as a 24-year-old entertainer and rapper:
“I think [Trey’s birth] was my first moment of the real weight of parenting. I brought him home, and I remember we put him in the bassinet… and it was like stark terror. It was like, ‘I’m totally responsible for this life.’ I just cried so hard. It makes me teary right now. I thought like, ‘I can’t do it. I’m not the guy.’ Oh man, I just knew I didn’t know nothing. Oh man, I’m going to need to get myself together. I’m going to have to walk this one off… I need a tissue. See, I thought the red couch wouldn’t get me like this. Th red table always get you like this.”
Ha! That it does, Will! That it does…
The actor opened up about so much more, too, as you can see in their full conversation (below):
Pretty interesting, raw stuff, isn’t it? Very powerful!!!
Sound OFF about everything with your take on it here, Perezcious readers — share it down in the comments (below)!!! What’d y’all think of this special Father’s Day interview?!
[Image via Facebook]