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AWFUL! 11-Year-Old Boy Has Hand Torn Off By Tiger After Father Lets Him Climb Over Safety Barrier!

tiger growling angry scary
This is just so awful, we can’t believe how irresponsible this boy’s father was!
A young boy, 11, was with his father and 3-year-old brother at a zoo in Cascavel, Brazil.
What we assume was a beautiful day at the zoo turned into one of horror when the boy’s father let him climb over a safety barrier and get right up next to a tiger!
Why can’t people just stay AWAY from the big cats at zoos?!?
The boy was apparently giving the tiger pieces of meat and food and stroking it. That’s when the tiger basically tore his hand off!!
What’s worse is this all went down in front of the boy’s now certainly traumatized little brother.
The 11-year-old was seen being lifted back over the security barrier, his one hand dangling off his body, barely hanging on.
Emergency responders began treating the boy as he went into shock, crying out:

“I’m going to die, I can’t feel my arm.”

We seriously feel so awful for that poor child.
His hand was apparently partially amputated before he was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital.
He’s expected to survive his injuries though his hand will likely not be reattached.
We think that dad deserves some jail time or something!!
We hope that poor boy recovers well!

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Aug 01, 2014 16:29pm PDT