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US Airways Flight 1702 Blows A Tire, Skids Off Runway, & Photobombs The Sh*t Out Of Some Girl's Selfie!

airplane photobomb philadelphia selfie blown tire us airways flight 1702 pic
OMG! This must’ve been so scary!
A passenger airplane blew a tire this afternoon while it was trying to take off from Philadelphia International Airport.
The pilot of US Airways Flight 1702 was then forced to try and abort the takeoff and what happened next was SUPER intense!!!
Onlookers say the airplane’s landing gear COLLAPSED! The nose of the Ft. Lauderdale bound aircraft basically BOUNCED right off of the pavement and the entire plane eventually skidded off the runway into and into nearby field!
Mercifully, only one passenger suffered injuries and they were minor! No one was seriously hurt!
The wackiest part about the whole horrific story?
A nearby woman taking a selfie was apparently photobombed by the out of place airplane (above)! Ha! That’s nuts!
An airline spokesperson says all the passengers are being rerouted to Florida on other flights tonight.
He revealed:

“Our crew safely evacuated the passengers. We are accommodating passengers on a new aircraft, which is scheduled to depart later this evening.”

We’re so glad everyone is OK!
And we can’t wait to hear more about the girl who took this EPIC selfie! Was she a passenger? A passerby? We MUST know!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Mar 13, 2014 21:49pm PDT

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