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Amber Heard Caught In A Lie! Makeup Brand DESTROYS Claim She Used Their Product To Cover Up Bruises From Johnny Depp!

Milani Cosmetics Fires Back At Amber Heard’s Claim About Using Their Product To Cover Bruises From Johnny Depp!

Milani Cosmetics would like to set the record straight!

The trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp has been underway for over a week now, and these past few days have been especially harrowing as the Pirates of the Caribbean actor has taken the stand several times. As ever, he has continued to insist he never abused Amber. He said at one point:

“I never struck Ms. Heard in any way, nor have I ever struck any women in my life… My goal is the truth.”

Of course, his ex’s lawyers attempted to convince the jury otherwise with evidence of his temperamental character — first bringing up some violent text message he sent to friends and later showing a video of him destroying their kitchen in 2016.

Related: Amber On Verge Of Tears As Johnny Reacts To Video Of Kitchen Rampage

But as far as evidence of actual physical violence — evidence he hit her that is — her team has not been able to produce any. In fact, numerous witnesses have claimed to have seen Amber at times after alleged abuse with no marks on her, including medical professionals.

Amber’s team has an answer for that: makeup.

Going back to opening statements for their trial, her attorney claimed the actress carried Milani’s All In One Correcting Kit in her purse “the entire relationship with Johnny Depp” and used the product to cover up all of the bruises from her ex-husband. While showing the jury the makeup item, her attorney said at the time:

“This was what she used. She became very adept at it. You’re going to hear the testimony from Amber about how she had to mix the different colors for the different days of the bruises as they developed in the different coloring and how she would use to touch those up to be able to cover those.”

A very emotional detail… One problem? According to Milani, this would not have been possible. Why?

Amber and Johnny got married in 2015 and she filed for divorce in 2016 — but it turns out Milani’s All In One Correcting Kit was not released until December 2017! So it seems that the Aquaman star was just caught in a lie here. And don’t worry, the makeup brand also brought out the receipts to prove this!

Milani took to TikTok to debunk the claims on Thursday, showing an employee pulling out their catalog to show the item before revealing some more details on the company’s computer. The screen read in bold red letters that the All In One Correcting Kit was “confirmed released in 2017.” Just to make sure everyone understood the timeline, they also wrote in the caption:

“You asked us… let the record show that our Correcting Kit launched in 2017!”


Not a good look for Amber or her legal team! You can ch-ch-check out the video (below):


You asked us… let the record show that our Correcting Kit launched in 2017!???? #milanicosmetics

♬ International Super Spy – dylan


It’ll be inneresting to see how Amber’s attorneys address this misstep! Reactions, Perezcious readers? Sound OFF in the comments (below).

[Image via Milani Cosmetics/TikTok, Law&Crime/YouTube]

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Apr 22, 2022 11:20am PDT