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Amber Heard's Team NOT Calling Johnny Depp Back To The Stand -- But What's The REAL Reason??

Amber Heard Legal Team Not Calling Johnny Depp Back

Huh. This is unfortunate for everyone hoping to hear Johnny Depp‘s response to Amber Heard‘s testimony.

She said quite a bit — including some possibly unexpected new allegations — in her days on the witness stand, so it would have been nice to hear Johnny asked about some of that. Particularly the disturbing bottle thing…

Previously, Amber’s team was planning to call the Pirates of the Caribbean star back to testify again this week, but now we’ve learned that legal strategy has been scrapped. A source close to Amber told People on Monday that it’s just no longer on the table, explaining:

“Calling Depp back to the stand would be as relevant to us as a bicycle to a fish. Everything Depp has testified up to this point has been irrelevant to the heart of this case, and there’s no reason to believe it would be any different now.”

So… up until Saturday the team was planning to put the fish on the bicycle but NOW all of a sudden it would be too useless? Hmm. We’re no lawyers, but clearly something changed here if this seemed like a good idea to them before and not so much now.

Related: Johnny Wins Blessing From Shocking Place — A Women’s Abuse Support Group!

Obviously this plan was in place before Amber’s testimony finished. Maybe it was the cross-examination that did it? Beforehand, her spokesperson issued a statement preemptively blasting Depp’s lawyers:

“There’s an old saying by trial lawyers: When the facts are on your side, argue the facts; when the facts are not on your side, pound away on the podium. Today, we expect Depp’s attorneys will instead pound away on the victim. We fear it will be equal parts shameful and desperate.”

There was certainly always that issue. How do you try to undermine a witness’ testimony when it’s a woman telling a horrific story of being abused by her husband? How do you make her look bad without looking like a bully yourself??

Well, many clearly felt Camille Vasquez did a pretty good job, asking factual questions that Amber did seem reluctant to answer. Like about the money she lied about donating — that cut the legs out from under her right from the start.

Then again, there was also the news that came out just before this source came forward — that none other than Kate Moss herself would now be testifying for Johnny. Hmm…

Do YOU think it would be a bad idea to call Johnny back to the stand? Will he only hurt Amber’s case even more? Crucially… do you think he stands a chance of actually winning this trial??

[Image via Law&Crime Network/YouTube/MEGA/WENN]


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May 23, 2022 15:43pm PDT

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