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How Parasites Are Turning Nature Into Zombieland!

It’s funny how the smallest creatures can turn the world into ravenous, mindless, brain eating zombies….
Scientists are beginning to discover why parasites can take over their hosts and force them to do their bidding.
Take the relationship of the spider in Costa Rica and the wasp inside it. The spider randomly builds a web, not for itself but for the wasp.
The spider dies and a wasp’s larvae springs out of its head…GROSS!
Researchers believe an advanced form of biochemistry allows parasites to manipulate their hosts. Virus, bacteria, protozoans, wasps, and other insects all have their own way to control the brains of animals.
Some, like the wasp, attack the behavior by secreting proteins while others, such as the thorny headed worm, attacks neurotransmitters in the brain.
It is still unknown whether or not humans are susceptible to zombie-ish parasites as vetebrates have upwards of BILLIONS of neurons in their bodies. The research is very complex with even just a thousand of neurons!
So it looks like the human race is safe…FOR NOW!!!!!!

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Dec 06, 2012 15:00pm PDT

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