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iPhone And Android Users, Beware! Big Brother Is Watching!

apple and google watching our every move

Better not use those smart phones for anything illicit…

Lately, there’s been some paranoia concerns that iPhone and Android devices keep track of users’ locations.

In a sketcherrific move by Apple, the company hasn’t issued a statement on the subject, and Google’s only response was to say that they “obtain permission to run all Android location tracking services, and that location data is not traceable to individual users.”

Here are a couple of creepy tidbits to keep in mind:

-iPhones and iPads “collect time-stamped location coordinates” very frequently (as much as every few minutes)

-Google Androids collect location data AND send it to Google for advertising purposes

There’s talk of potential lawsuits regarding this issue, and a privacy rights bill proposed by Sen. John Kerry and Sen. John McCain could def pick up some steam thanks to Apple and Google sketchiness.

Should we even be writing this? Are they monitoring us? OMG, ARE THEY WATCHING US RIGHT NOW????


Do U think Apple and Google are watching our every move?

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Apr 27, 2011 09:10am PDT

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