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Apple Takes Down "Gay Cure" App

Apple Takes Down Gay Cure App
So there was this app in the Apple App Store recently aimed at “homosexual strugglers” by Christian group Exodus International.
That app, apparently due to outcry and possibly an online petition with over more than 145k followers, has been yanked from the store!
Apple, who is notorious for not having a clear outline on what’s allowed and what isn’t allowed in the App Store, has not released a comment as to why the app has been removed. We think we’ll hear from them soon enough, though!
Now, while obviously we don’t support or agree with the app and it’s content, we DO feel however that they have the right to have their app in the store.
The app had been available since Feb. 15th.
Do U think it should have been taken down?
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 24, 2011 09:10am PDT

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