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Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters Slams Kim Kardashian & Kanye West After Putting Them On Her Most Fascinating People List?

barbara kimye
So, was this intentional or was Barbara Walters just simply telling the truth?
On Wednesday night, Barbara aired her last (sadsies!) 10 Most Fascinating People segment forever and although she added Kim Kardashian and Kanye West to her 2013 list, it seems as if she couldn’t help but throw a few playful jabs at the couple in her monologue!
The View host asked some hard hitting questions and we’re waiting for Kimmy to respond!
She said:

“Kanye West first fell in love with Kim Kardashian when she was Brandy Norwood├óΓé¼Γäós personal assistant but when she did fall for him?
Was it the time he insulted Taylor Swift? Or the moment he insulted George W. Bush? Or the time he threw a punch at a paparazzo. Who knows? Love is a mystery.”

Ouch! Those are fighting words, Babs! Lolz!
The legendary newscaster also added:

“Sadly some people have mocked them and skeptics say their relationship will never last because Kanye hates the press poking into his personal life and Kim doesn’t seem to have that problem.
Kanye, as he has often pointed out has many talents. He’s a singer, a thinker, a clothes designer, and a stylist. As for Kim’s talents, well she’s very good at being herself.”

Yikes, we wonder if Kanye is going to say anything in return to Barbara’s jabs!
The rapper isn’t known for keeping his opinions to himself!
And Kimmy has been known to hit back from time to time…right, Katie Couric??
Ch-ch-check out her harsh statements (below)!

[Image via HRC/TNYF/WENN.]

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Dec 20, 2013 16:41pm PDT