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Britney Spears

Britney Spears' Internet And Cell Phone Usage Monitored To Protect Her From Sam Lufti?!

After all of things he’s said and done to her family – especially the recent meth comments – we can’t say we blame them!
Although Britney Spears may be reaching the end of her conservatorship, which was put into place over four years ago by her father Jamie, apparently some of the terms of the current arrangement ensure that the pop star’s internet and cell phone usage are monitored…to protect her from her former manager, Sam Lufti!
As an insider explains:

“Britney’s cell phone and internet use is restricted and heavily monitored, and this is done for her protection. Britney’s father, Jamie, and her fiance, Jason, want to make sure that her former manager, Sam Lutfi, isn’t able to contact her. Britney and Jason essentially share a cell phone, and it’s routinely checked to see who has been calling. Furthermore, the cell phones have been programmed to block calls from phone numbers associated with Lutfi. Brit’s computer usage is also restricted in the sense that certain websites are blocked. Her family doesn’t want Britney reading negative stories that would upset her. Again, this is all done with love and for her well-being. After the restraining order expired, the conservators went to extra lengths to make sure that Sam wasn’t able to contact Britney because there was no longer any criminal threat if he were to violate terms of the restraining order.”

Such an unfortunate shame that she still has to take these kind of steps to ensure that this man does not weasel his way back into her life!
And even MORESO just disturbing that after all this time, he’s STILL attempting to cause trouble for and hurt her!
Hasn’t he done enough to this poor girl and her family?
Here’s hoping that his lawsuit will get thrown out and they all soon won’t have to deal with any more of his poisonous crazy!
Hang in there, gurl!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 02, 2012 11:22am PDT