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Britney Spears

Britney Spears Thought Her Family Were 'Trying To Kill' Her While In Treatment Facility For Depression

Britney Spears Says Being Forced Into Treatment Facility By Her Family ‘Amplified’ Her Depression

Britney Spears is continuing to make shocking claims about her family.

On Thursday, the singer hopped on Instagram to further open up about the ways in which her conservatorship took a toll on her mental health over the past 13 years.

In a since-deleted post, the 40-year-old claimed her family sent her to a treatment facility for four months and was “holding me against my will” there, which only “amplified my depression by 100.” Britney shared:

“I believe in help but not arrogantly unasked for help…the only thing honestly disturbing about me is depression…but you don’t take people out of their homes for that. The people who worked for me stood at the doors saying I couldn’t go anywhere…”

The momma then admitted that she even thought they were “trying to kill” her at one point, saying:

“I honestly thought they were trying to kill me… cuz it seemed to me like some sick joke when I would call and say I’d been working here for two weeks… and can I have the keys to my car and go home ??? Their response … you can come and go when we tell you we can !!! I need boundaries … I need to know you can’t just me leave me here everyday !!”

It really does sound like something that would exacerbate anyone’s anxiety.

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Even though Britney begged to leave, she was still forced to remain at the treatment facility for a while. She detailed:

“I felt like it stunted my growth when I was there !! I could only use my upper body because I had to sit in a chair 8 hours a day and gave like 8 gallons of blood every week !!!”

The Crossroads actress then confessed that it felt her family “f**king killed” her by just sitting back and leaving her in the place and said she “was too nice” during her conservatorship. She continued:

“I wanted to kick and scream all of it but my family sat back and acted as if I was not a big deal !! The most damage that was done to me is the sick psychology of my own family convincing me that I was OK with what they did … I deserved that!!”

After everything, Brit said she “would spit” in her family members faces if she could go back in time to this moment in her life:

“I would be the first to admit I’m pretty messed up by all of it and haven’t even come close to sharing all of what they did…it’s honestly shocking but in time I think things will unfold in a bright way!!”

While it is unclear what incident the pop star referred to in the post, she could be speaking about when she was checked into a mental health program by Jamie Spears in April 2019 after canceling her Domination shows in Las Vegas. At the time, rumors started circulating that she was being held in the facility against her will. So it’s a strong possibility that Britney is touching on this moment in her latest message on the ‘gram.

One thing we know for sure is: the more we learn about what Britney experienced over the past decade, the more our hearts break for her. Reactions, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments (below).

[Image via Britney Spears/Instagram, WENN]

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Feb 10, 2022 16:49pm PDT