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Bruce Jenner

UPDATE: How Is Covering Bruce Jenner's Transition

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On Friday, Bruce Jenner confirmed in a televised interview that he is transgender and transitioning to a woman.
We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from our readers, and have prepared this updated FAQ (see our previous one here) to answer your questions about our coverage:
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are you covering Bruce’s transition?
Bruce is a major figure in sports and pop culture and arguably the most famous person to come out as transgender. The reality TV star is documenting his transition in an upcoming TV docuseries. Bruce’s story will be a public one.
Transgender issues have historically been underrepresented in the media. Bruce’s story, along with those depicted in popular programs like Orange Is The New Black and Transparent, continue to raise awareness for the transgender community and the issues its members face. We want to continue telling those stories.
2. Are you referring to Bruce as “he” or “she”?
We are reporting on Bruce’s journey using the GLAAD Media Guide For Transgender Issues. Per the guide, we are using the pronoun Bruce prefers.
During the interview, Bruce did make a reference to his female self as “Her.” However, Diane Sawyer told viewers Bruce prefers to still use “him” and “he.”
For the time being, we are using male pronouns in our coverage, as that was Bruce’s last stated preference. We will change pronouns accordingly when the time comes.
3. Is Bruce straight or gay?
During the interview, Bruce said, “”I’m not gay. I’ve never been with a guy.” Later, when asked if he would pursue a relationship post-transition, he said that he was “asexual” and simply wants to have a “free soul.”
Bruce has been in heterosexual relationships with women and has six biological children. As GLAAD states, gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. Transgender individuals may be straight, gay, or bisexual.
4. Has Bruce had a “sex change”?
During the interview, Bruce said, “Sexual reassignment surgery is down the line.” Bruce did not give a timeline for his changes, but said his surgeries would NOT be done on camera. He did reveal he has been on hormone therapy for the last year and a half.
5. Where can we learn more about transgender issues?
GLAAD has an excellent primer on how to approach and discuss transgender issues. You can read GLAAD’s Transgender 101 FAQ here.
We welcome your comments (below) or send us feedback via our Contact Perez form at the top right.
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[Image via ABC News.]

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Apr 28, 2015 13:07pm PDT

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