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Bush Has Penned A Memoir!


Look out Sexy Sarah! You are soon going to have some competition on the shelves.

Former President George W. Bush has just completed a memoir. Crown Publishing Group announced this morning that the book, titled Decision Points, will be released in November and center around 14 decisions George made during his eight years as president, including “his flaws and mistakes, as well as his historic achievements.”

We searched our brain for just one example of the latter, but we came up empty.

The book will primarily focus on decisions made during the time of 9/11, the beginings of the war in Iraq and Bush’s battle with drinking. (Because those all are on the same level of importance.)

We sure do pity the poor ghost writer who had to endure endless days listening to this man dribble on about his life and his “achievements.” No amount of money is worth that agony.

Course we endured it as an entire nation for eight years, so maybe it wasn’t that bad.

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 26, 2010 17:23pm PDT

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