New year, new EVERYTHING! Can we just go ahead and say it? 2020 was the Worst. Year. EVER!!!
Yeah, yeah, we know a lot of people say that at the end of pretty much every single year, but this one was particularly bad because it was destroyed by a freakin’ pandemic. We don’t know about y’all, but we were stuck inside, alone, away from friends and out-of-town loved ones for pretty much the last 10 months of 2020, unable to see the people we wanted and limited in where we could go. Ugh!!!
Related: Wait, Did Julianne Hough Really Force An Ex To Lie About Their Breakup?! WTF??
Celebs (well, most celebs…) handled things much the same! Laying low, staying at home, telling us we’re all in this together, having ill-advised parties out at clubs while us normal people are stuck in a cramped apartment — er, wait. Not that last one! So if the coronavirus was the dominating force of 2020 — and it was — then “social distancing” must be the phrase of the year. Never have we heard it so much… and never before have we been so looking forward to not having to hear it again! Yuck!
Some celebrities took that social distancing idea to a whole different level, though! For the unlucky few, all the time away from the grind of their careers that forced them to be stuck at home with their partners ultimately meant the death-knell for their relationships! To that end, we saw celeb breakups this year at a rate it feels like we’ve never seen before, and some from celebs we definitely didn’t expect to be parting ways — now, or ever! Quarantine craziness!
In the spirit of the New Year, then, and just in time to reminisce before we turn the page for good and move on to what must be a better year, we decided to look back a bit! At the link, you’ll find all the craziest, most unexpected, and most unfortunate celebrity breakups that went down in 2020. Some real surprises here!
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Splits Of 2020!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Splits Of 2020!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Splits Of 2020!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Splits Of 2020!”
CLICK HERE to view “Celebrity Splits Of 2020!”
Now, here’s to 2021 being full of love, and light, and much less pandemic talk!
Yeah, yeah, we know that’s probably not realistic and the vaccine is going to take a while to get distributed and get us back to normal… and that’s if enough people even take it… but we can dream, can’t we?!
If nothing else, let’s at least hope we’re all lucky in love in 2021!
[Image via Nikki Nelson/Sheri Determan/FayesVision/WENN/Instagram]