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Chrissy Teigen BLASTS Donald Trump In Most NSFW Tweet Ever!

Chrissy Teigen Donald Trump NSFW Twitter Feud Coronavirus Test

Last week Donald Trump got tested for the coronavirus after it turned out he came into contact with someone who had it at Mar-a-Lago, aka White House II.

Despite apparently showing no symptoms, the president — who at 73 is in the danger zone of radically increased fatality from COVID-19 — revealed last weekend he got tested after having dinner with the President of Brazil and his press secretary — the latter of whom tested positive shortly afterward.

Related: Senator Rand Paul Tested Positive

When asked about the procedure, he stayed on brand and once again gave the worst answer possible. Instead of reassuring the American people the test is quick and easy — just a cotton swab up the nose, takes about two seconds — he complained about how it wasn’t very “pleasant.”

Mike Pence, who also tested negative, followed Trump’s lead by saying on Sunday it was “kind of invasive”:

“The test was quick, but it goes a fair amount to the sinuses and it is not comfortable”

Seriously? It’s a swab up the nose! What’s the point of making it sound so much worse? To make US citizens feel better about not having enough tests available because YOU screwed this up so badly??

Well, a few women had something to say about the Donald being a baby over a little nasal swab. Comedian Sarah Thyre, ex-wife and baby momma to Andy Richter, tweeted angrily:

“Our s**tprez is bitching about how invasive the Covid test is and excuse me, I’ve had multiple hands shoved up my vagina to try to pull out a a single damn baby – and you are bitching about a swab up your f**king nose that could save millions of lives F********K YOUUUUU”

Oh snap! Chrissy Teigen soon joined in, retweeting Sarah and adding in her own NSFW way something which, upon reading, you may not be able to look at the supermodel the same way again. She wrote:

“my vagina was ripped to my a**hole giving birth to Luna. I had a vaga**hole. f**k your swab pain.”

Wow, that is so much information. And she was not finished. She continued:

“they had to put a garbage bag at the end of the bed to collect my blood before stiching me up, where I then had to pee using a water bottle as a pain fountain for 3 months. so yeah. the swab, I bet it’s super rough.”

Daaaang! Calling these men OUT!

BTW, here’s Trump’s exact full quote on the testing procedure for context:

“Not — not something I want to do every day, I can tell you that. It’s — you know, it’s a little bit of a — it’s a little bit of — of good doctors in the White House. But it’s a test. It’s a test. It’s a medical test. Nothing pleasant about it.”

Um… wait, what??

If it sounds to you like Trump still had no idea what the test entailed, you aren’t alone!

Quite a few political commentators called BS on the president’s claim. Journalist Soledad O’Brien tweeted:

“Sounds like he’s lying about taking the test.”

Former RNC chair Michael Steele said:

“Stop it. You didn’t take the test Trump. It’s an oral or nasal swab. “It’s a little bit of a…” what?! It’s a cotton ball on the end of a stick, for crying out loud”

Right Here Waiting For You singer Richard Marx wrote:

“He can’t describe it. He didn’t take it. He’s a f**king liar. Every goddamned thing out of his orange bloated face is a lie.”

Hmm. Did Trump only complain to make it sound like he’d taken a test he actually hadn’t?? Did Mike Pence only pretend it was so uncomfortable to suck up to his boss?? What do YOU think??

Worth noting, Pence also said:

“That is probably a good opportunity to say again to any American looking on, if you do not have symptoms you do not need a test.”

This after Pence, his wife, Donald, Ivanka Trump, all reportedly took the test with no symptoms. The story of life indeed.

[Image via WENN/Avalon/Instar.]

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Mar 23, 2020 10:52am PDT