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Colorado Shooter Had Set Up A Profile On, Too.

colorado shooter profile
As if this entire travesty could not get any more twisted, it appears that Colorado gunman James Holmes really did want to find potential women on-line to visit him in prison after killing 12 people and injuring 50 more during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises Thursday night.
While we’ve reported that he student set up an account on earlier in the month of July with the headline “Will you visit me in prison?” a young woman, identified only as Diana, was shocked to log on to her profile Friday and have the website recommending that she would be a well-suited love interest for the PhD student-turned-shooter.
Match has since taken his profile down, but it apparently read that his favorite book is Where’s Waldo? while movies include Dumb and Dumber, Hachiko, Star Wars, and that he was looking for hook-ups.
Politics? Middle of the road. Religion? Agnostic.
And possibly the most disturbing of all?

“I spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Mind = blown”

We really don’t even want to think about this deranged kid anymore.
All we can do is send our thoughts, prayers, and love to all those affected by his horrible, unforgivable actions and hope that they somehow find the peace and courage to keep moving forward.

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Jul 22, 2012 12:40pm PDT

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