Conan O’Brien went ham on Hot Ones. But there were consequences to his hilarious antics!
If you haven’t seen the episode, do yourself a favor. The longtime late night staple was hysterical treating the whole thing with his usual silliness.
But the thing is, the directions Sean Evans gives about safety with those sauces is no joke! And unfortunately not being careful caused Conan a world of hurt!
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On Monday’s episode of his podcast Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend, he finally revealed the aftermath:
“My eyes were incredibly runny, my mouth really hurt. But the thing that was most interesting is my wedding ring, some sauce — because I was rubbing my hands around in the sauce — some got trapped. Because you wash your hands right afterward, but some sauce got underneath my wedding ring.”
He said he was being driven home, and the driver asked Conan if he was OK — clearly he still looked to be in agony! He didn’t even realize he was in so much pain:
“I was like, ‘I’m fine.’ But I noticed my wedding ring was burning. And it hasn’t burned like that since they put it on at the altar!”
Hardy-har. But in all seriousness, the pain grew intense just from prolonged exposure to the sauce on his skin!
“It was burning and burning, then I took it off, and I saw, oh right there’s acid underneath it.”
Well, damn! Note to any future participants in Hot Ones — take off the rings, just in case! See Coco’s entire recap of his post-Hot Ones experience (below)!
[Image via Team Coco/First We Feast/YouTube.]
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