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Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin & Jimmy Fallon Become Dueling Donald Trumps In A Competitive Round Of 'Box Of Lies' On The Tonight Show!

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A “Box of Lies” could refer to Donald Trump‘s Twitter page, or it could mean Jimmy Fallon‘s go-to game on The Tonight Show.
When Alec Baldwin stopped by Thursday night’s show, however, the definitions merged as the two comedians played the popular game of deception!
Related: Rosie O’Donnell Continues Campaign To Play Steve Bannon On SNL!
Right in the middle of the game, Fallon unleashed his Trump impression after revealing his “disgusting” hidden item was a glove filled with olives.
But during the next round, Baldwin went in full Saturday Night Live mode with his POTUS impression while describing his next item, causing the two to riff back and forth as dueling POTI!
Whose impression is better? Watch the clip (below) to find out!

[Image via NBC.]

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Feb 10, 2017 11:10am PDT