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Donald Trump

Federal Judge Rules Lawsuit Can Proceed Against Donald Trump For Inciting Violence At Campaign Rally!

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Things just keep getting worse for Donald Trump!
The President is now facing down a lawsuit claiming that he incited violence during a 2016 campaign rally in Louisville, Kentucky — and on Friday, a federal judge ruled that yes, that lawsuit CAN proceed!
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The incident in question came down at a rally in Louisville in March of 2016, when Trump yelled “get ’em out of here” at an event where protestors had filled the crowd.
The protestors brought a suit against Trump, his campaign, and three of its Kentucky supporters — claiming that his incitement had cause Trump supporters at the rally to then attack them.
The judge, David J. Hale, wrote in his decision to allow the lawsuit to proceed:

“It is plausible that Trump’s direction to ‘get ’em out of here’ advocated the use of force. Unlike the statements at issue in the cases cited by the Trump Defendants, ‘get ’em out of here’ is stated in the imperative; it was an order, an instruction, a command.”

Well there you go — Trump himself may never see the inside of the courtroom on this one, but it’s just another lawsuit affecting the President (remember his Trump University settlement?!) when he already has a TON of problems of his own.
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For what it’s worth, one of Trump’s lawyers said that the supporters named in the lawsuit were not acting n behalf of the then-candidate.
And yet still, the lawsuit proceeds.

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Apr 02, 2017 17:31pm PDT