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Margaret Cho SLAMS Saturday Night Live For Inviting 'Known Racist' Donald Trump To Host! Find Out Who She Wants To See On Stage Instead!

Margaret Cho SLAMS Saturday Night Live For Inviting 'Known Racist' Donald Trump To Host! Find Out Who She Wants To See On Stage Instead!

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It looks like a bunch of people won’t be tuning in to see Donald Trump host Saturday Night Live!
On Monday, the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda penned an open letter to executive producer Lorne Michaels, asking him to cancel the GOP frontrunner’s November 7 episode of the late night variety show!
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The group wrote in a letter sent to Michaels and NBC CEO Steve Burke:

“We are appalled that you would enable Trump’s hateful speech for nothing (more) than a ratings ploy and ask that you rescind the SNL invitation.”

But Hispanic activists aren’t the only ones upset about the former Apprentice star’s upcoming stint as host!
Margaret Cho is also blasting producers for Trump’s invitation and for the lack of Asian-American representation in the show’s long running history! She said:

“Why has there never been an Asian-American host, cast member or musical guest on SNL in 41 years? Forty-one years. Yet they want Donald Trump, a known racist, a known sexist, who disgustingly wants to have sex with his daughter. Who does he think he is, Woody Allen?”

The comedian went on to rebut those who pointed out former SNL stars who have part Asian descent like Fred Armisen and Rob Scheiner. She added:

“People come at me and say, ├óΓé¼╦£Oh, Fred Armisen is a quarter Japanese, Rob Schneider is half Filipino.’ Yeah, that makes three-quarters of an Asian-American, not even in one person, in 41 years.”

Her math isn’t wrong! Cho even pitched a few potential Asian-American hosts, including The Hangover star Ken Jeong! She continued:

“I’m proposing Ken Jeong. I would like to be the musical guest. That’s all I ask. They would take a momentous step forward, if they include Ken Jeong or myself. If not us, George Takei, who is hilarious and ultimately needs to be given that honor.”

We would totally watch that show!
Do YOU think NBC should give Trump the boot?
[Image via Guillermo Proano/WENN.]

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Oct 20, 2015 10:38am PDT