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Stormy Daniels Wants To Describe Donald Trump's Genitals 'In Great Detail' To You!

Stormy Daniels Wants To Describe Donald Trump's Genitals 'In Great Detail' To You!

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Think Stormy Daniels already bared it all about her alleged affair with Donald Trump? Think again!
The porn star’s lawyer Michael Avenatti went on Megyn Kelly Today to speak about the legal drama surrounding the $130,000 in hush money Stormy was paid by the President’s lawyer.
Video: Stormy Told Seth Rogen About Her Trump Affair YEARS Ago!
When Megyn asked why Stormy kept the dough yet proceeded to spill all about the alleged affair on 60 Minutes — which the payment was made to prevent from happening — Avenatti revealed that the adult film star still has things to say that didn’t make the final cut of her CBS interview.
Like, for example, a colorful description of POTUS’s genitalia!
He explained on the NBC morning program:

60 Minutes and CBS, as you know, they are a conservative network. I mean there is a lot of information that was said during that interview that did not make it into the final 60 Minutes… They [60 Minutes] play it very close to the vest. For instance, she can describe the President’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it.”

The comment sparked wild laughter from the audience, and even from Megyn herself, who exclaimed:

“We don’t need to hear that! My eyes!”

Photo: Jim Carrey Captured Stormy’s Essence In This Explicit Drawing
Aventti dropped some other bombshells as well, claiming there are eight women with “similar allegations and similar circumstances relating to the President” that have yet to publicly come forward.
But we’re sure none of these women can describe Trump’s dick as vividly as Stormy can!
Ch-ch-check out the full interview (below) or skip to the 9:00 mark for the peen talk.

[Image via NBC.]

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Apr 04, 2018 12:40pm PDT