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Doperty Almost Died Last Month, He Reveals


Did you guys know that Doperty is immortal????

Who would have guessed????

The Babyshambles frontman cancelled a slew of shows back in October due to “exhaustion”, but Pete recently revealed to reporters the true reason for the cancellation – his heart stopped!!!!

Doperty swears up and down that drugs weren’t the cause, but explains the situation as: “I was running into the walls, making steering wheel signs with my hands. And then I just├óΓé¼┬ª stopped. My body just stopped.”

After an overnight stay in the hospital, the formerly (ha!) drugged-out singer was as good as new, and returned home to rest.

Kudos on dodging death!

[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 26, 2009 08:45am PDT

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