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Dutch Zoo Giving Away Elephants For Free!!

Want a free elephant??
A Dutch zoo is literally giving away four of its elephants for freeeeee!
But don’t get your hopes up because, unless you’re a zoo, they’re not gonna just hand over the Dumbos.
They’re looking for a zoo to take four of their rebel elephants who started a civil war when the matriarch of the herd died.
The internal power struggle has gotten so bad, they need to split up the herd.
A zoo keeper there said:

“They started pushing each other. They trumpeted loudly and flapped their ears. The situation became unbearable.”

They tried separating the trouble makers but it meant they were spending too much time indoors.
So they’re going to give away four of their elephants to another zoo, so they can start a new life.
It’s sad they have to break up the herd but we think all the elephants will be much happier without all the dramz!
[Image via PJ KAPDostie/Wikimedia Commons.]

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Nov 30, 2012 20:03pm PDT

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