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Eat Your Greens!

Margaux jean
Margaux Jean is one of our very best contributors here at — so we trust her when she says that we better eat our greens!
Here’s what she says as to why, and how!:

The next time you serve your family a delicious dinner, try to include a side dish full of beautiful leafy greens! Green veggies are packed with nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin to promote healthy eyes, bone-building calcium, flavonoids for good circulation, and B-vitamins for energy. Try adding spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens, and kale to the plate. When cooking kale, don’t forget about the stems! Many people don’t know that the stems contain all of the nutrients in the leaves plus an extra boost of fiber! If the stems are thick, cook them for about 2-3 minutes longer than the leaves. I recommend steaming kale for about five minutes. Overcooked veggies are one of the reasons why kids don├óΓé¼Γäót enjoy eating their veggies!

We DEFINITELY agree with the overcooking of veggies!
Cook’em right, and your kids will be hooked! Ha!
For more nutrition tips, visit Margaux’s website Authentic Self Wellness or follow her on Twitter @MargauxRathbun — and if U wanna know more about healthy greens OR anything else, U can always email us at [email protected]!!

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Apr 10, 2012 14:00pm PDT

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