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George Clooney

Burn! George Clooney's Ex Calls Him A "Father Figure"

Guess that means someone has some serious Daddy issues!
Relationships, particulary ones in Hollywood, end for a multitude of reasons. The important thing is to remember what you took away from that relationship that helped you grow as a person. For Elisabetta Canalis, we imagine the biggest thing she took away from dating George Clooney was her international exposure. Truly, something to be grateful for.
Baring that in mind, you would imagine that Lis would only have nice things to say about her former Silver Fox. Indeed, she hasn’t spilled any detrimental secrets from their time together, but she’s taking a jab at George’s ego all the same. In a new interview, she reveals that her relationship with George had more of a “father-daughter” dyamic than a romantic one. She explains:

“[He is] the person who valued my feminine side the most … one of the best people I have met from a charitable point of view. He has been special for me, and very important, just as a father would be.”

Ouch! That has to sting!
Ladies, that is the equivalent of a guy telling a girl she reminds him of his mother or he thinks of her like a sister. No one wants to hear that someone they previously boned! Hurts their rep!
Poor Georgy!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 31, 2011 12:50pm PDT

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