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Everybody's Doing It!


It’s blogging Friday!

That’s right, it seems like everyone is taking to their blogs today, to reach out to their fans and “clear the air.”

The trainwreck known as Lily Allen is speaking out on being a trainwreck and much much more.

On her blog, she says:

“boring post
Current mood: artistic

Hey everyone ,
So i’ve been on holiday for the past couple of weeks , i was at a friends house in Nice and then I went to see my Dad in Cannes for a screening of his documentary ” There are Dark Forces ” I don’t get to see him much as he’s always in Hungary filming Robin Hood . I had such a nice break , lots of swimming and eating yummy french food , but now I’m back and in the studio with Mark in the countryside trying to finish off the album. I’m so close now, I just really want to get it done so I can tour again . I’m also putting the final touches to this mixtape I’m working on , sorry it’s takking so long , but i’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to these things. I hope you’ve been enjoying the tunes on the player , i’ll put up some new ones when the albums done . Alfie is finishing his play Eqqus this week , he’s been on tour for six months with it , I’m so proud of him it’s on till saturday in Richmond so get down there if you can.
What else ?
Oh yeah , the football …………… How amazing was that ? I’ve never seen anything like it , i watched it down here in Henley with Mark and Barry , Mark supports Chelsea and Barry didn’t really care , i drank lots of rose and kept changing my mind about who I wanted to win . I felt bad for Terry and Lampard, I guess the right team won but i would have loved it if United had lost cause it would have been Ronaldo’s fault and I hate Ronaldo , well I don’t hate him , but after the whole winking incident I don’t like him so much .
Apart from that my life is boring , just working hard .
speak soon lovers x x

listening to Robert Plant and Alison Krauss ,Scarlett Johanssen doing Tom Waits, MGMT ,Vampire Weekend , Liquid Liquid and The Fall oh and Bon Iver . all amazing records please go and buy them all

ps . I don’t really like to respond to things I read about my self in the press but , for the record I was not thrown off anybodys yacht in Cannes , occasionally I drink wine with lunch and yes i swim topless , this in my book is not embarrasing behaviour I’m 23 years old it’s not my fault if photographers follow me everywhere and need a story to print with their pointless pictures . I wish digital cameras hadn’t been invented , if these photographers had to pay for film it wouldn’t wouldn’t be worth their time , there is nothing proffesional about them , most of them look like they wouldn’t be out of place at a BNP meeting . On the other hand digital pictures are easier to retouch , so i shouln’t complain .
I went for lunch with my ex boyfriend yesterday , lunch . I am not some failed baby making machine desperately to trying to win my man back . Sometimes I think these journalists are still living in the 50’s . No one knows anything about my relationships . Ed and I are friends , who went for lunch yesterday , thats it .
It’s all so sexist , i wonder how many of these male journos , had bought themselves a house by the time they were 23. I work very hard at what i do , yes I like a drink and yes I have my bad days , but that doesn’t mean I’m out of control. I’m perfectly capable of looking after my self thank you very much.”

CLICK HERE to check out the uncensored photo of Lily’s boobies!

[Image via Fame Pictures.]


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May 23, 2008 10:30am PDT