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EXCLUSIVE: Deeeelish Breakfast Ideas For Your Kids!

Margaux's Nutrition Nibble
Perezitos‘s nutrition expert Margaux J. Rathbun has some perfect ideas to get the day started for your kids.
When you’re rushing around in the morning, it’s difficult to think about making a whole meal, but Margaux suggest oats! They’re fast, yummy, and versatile!
She says:

Looking for an easy and nutritious breakfast that your kids will love? Oats make a great breakfast, giving your kids long-lasting energy, a healthy heart and stabilized blood sugar levels. Oats are loaded with nutrients including manganese, vitamin B1, selenium, fiber, and phosphorus. When selecting oatmeal, always look for steel-cut or old-fashioned oatmeal. Avoid the instant oatmeal and flavored oatmeal because they have been processed and are typically loaded with sugars and preservatives. To give your oatmeal some added nutrients, include 1 Tbsp of flaxseed oil into the mix. For picky eaters, try using Barlean’s Omega Swirl in strawberry/banana flavor. Yum!

Yummmmmy! And fiber is the perfect thing to get the body going in the morning!
For more of Margaux’s tips, click HERE and follow her on Twitter @MargauxRathbun!

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Mar 20, 2012 09:30am PDT

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