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Fran Drescher Shares The Disturbing Dangers Of Antibacterial Soap

Fran Drescher 1
FitPerez reader Lauren has been using antibacterial soap her whole life, but heard it may not be as healthy as it sounds. For advice she wrote cancer survivor Fran Drescher, asking:

Hi Fran,
I’ve always made sure to buy antibacterial soap for my home to keep my family healthy but now I’m hearing antibacterial soaps can do more harm than good? What’s the deal with antibacterial soap?

According to Fran:

Hi Lauren,
Most antibacterial soaps contain an ingredient called Triclosan, which has been linked to cancer, thyroid disruption, skin irritation, liver and inhalation toxicity and antibiotic-resistant “superbugs”. Pretty scary stuff when you think about it. Triclosan can also be listed in the ingredients as Irgasan, Triclocarban, Biofresh, Ster-zac, Microban and Cloxifenolum. Check your products and see if it contains this chemical and to play it safe, just use plain ol’ soap and water.

For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!

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Dec 29, 2011 10:00am PDT

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