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Gibson Shows No Remorse

John Gibson is not sorry!
The shameful Fox News host made a mockery of Heath Ledger‘s death and reveled in homophobia on his radio show Tuesday night.
Click here to read about that disgusting incident.
The uproar was almost instantaneous and Gibson had NO remorse or apology on his show Wednesday. In fact, he defended his actions!
According to Think Progress:
On his radio show yesterday, Fox News host John Gibson responded to ThinkProgress’ criticism of his comments mocking the death of Heath Ledger, saying that it was just “a little Brokeback Mountain joke” and there is “no point in passing up a good joke.”
Without offering any sort of apology, Gibson defended his callous comments by claiming that “for months and months and months,” his show has consistently made fun of the line, “I wish I knew how to quit you” from Brokeback Mountain. “I’m not giving that up,” exclaimed Gibson:

GIBSON: How many months did we live off that line, Brokeback Mountain?
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN CLIP: I wish I knew how to quit you.
ANGRY RICH: Several.
GIBSON: I mean, it was going on for months and months and months.
GIBSON: I’m not giving that up.

Listen to the audio here.
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning, host Joe Scarborough described the homophobic undertones of Gibson’s “little Brokeback Mountain joke,” calling it “mean-spirited and hateful” that “if you make a movie about being gay, your death becomes a punchline.”
When Gibson’s sidekick, Angry Rich, read him a negative comment left by a ThinkProgress reader (which the site does not endorse) calling the Fox News host “a closet homosexual,” Gibson responded by laughing and quipping “well, I’m still breathing”:

ANGRY RICH: You’re “a closet homosexual.” That’s the first one.
GIBSON: Oh, I am?
ANGRY RICH: Apparently.
GIBSON: Ha ha ha, well I’m still breathing. There’s the difference right there.

If you are as offended by Gibson’s despicable behavior as we are, click here to find out the many ways you can contact his employers.
And hopefully people will start reaching out to and asking Fox’s advertiser’s to boycott the channel and radio network!
Update: Click here to see a list of Fox’s current advertisers.

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Jan 24, 2008 17:15pm PDT

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