A haunted doll who has a habit of setting herself on fire and crying tears of acid just appeared on daytime TV!! Who thought that was a good idea?!
This Morning hosts Holly Willoughby and Alison Hammond got the scare of their lives on Monday while meeting Annie, a possessed doll who hails from Pennsylvania and loves to torment people! But get this: she’s so dangerous, she was placed in a box surrounded by chains and caution tape for the whole interview!!
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Clearly freaked out by the guest, the hosts began the segment on the edge of their seats, Holly revealed:
“The doll has actually started crying tears of acid. We’re not even joking. It actually has. I was fine up until now, now I actually wanna run screaming from the building.”
Then Alison quipped:
“And you put me closest to the doll.”
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Taking one for the team! After introducing the doll’s owner, Matt, Alison went on to explain:
“Now for our own safety, and we’re not actually joking about this, for our own safety, Annie has been sealed in a box and kept at a distance.”
Matt went on to share that Annie is currently being possessed by her former owners, a couple he claims he caught on camera hovering above the doll and who do not want to be set free from the creepy toy. She’s so demonic that, while he was staying in a hotel before appearing on the talk show, he locked her in the bathroom because he didn’t want to sleep in the same room as her! Hear all about her sinister ways and see Annie freak the f**k out of the hosts on live TV (below)!
Uhh, seriously, who the heck would want to live with that??
[Image via This Morning/YouTube]
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