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Hayden Christensen Gets A Seksi Bad Boy Makeover For American Heist!

hayden christensen american heist tattoos tank top movie set
Dayum, Anakin!
Hayden Christensen has officially gone over to the Dark Side for his new movie American Heist!
For his role as a criminal, the Star Wars star is sporting black hair and some wicked tattoos!
And we have to say, the bad boy look suits him! We’d let him carjack us, that’s for sure!
Something tells us he’s going to get Darth mauled when he gets home to longtime GF Rachel Bilson!
That is if Fast & Furious star Jordana Brewster doesn’t steal him away with her bad girl short shorts!
This movie is already starting to steal the spotlight!
[Image via Pacific Coast News.]

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Jun 28, 2013 22:33pm PDT