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He Wasn't Named After Penn and Teller?


Gossip Girl’s mopey hottie Penn Badgley revealed that he was named after “Penn” tennis balls.

Yes, Penn was named after balls.

Penn explains, “My father was bouncing a Penn tennis ball for stress during my mom’s pregnancy, and they couldn’t agree on a name, and when my mother got her first amnio, I’m not even sure what that is, she just casually mentioned that the baby is the size of that tennis ball, and that’s it. I’m glad it wasn’t Dunlop or Wilson.”

Hey, Wilson wouldn’t be that bad!

When asked about his romance with Gossip Girl co-star Blake Lively, though, Penn wasn’t as forthcoming.

Says Badgley Penn says, “I understand it, obviously there’s chemistry there. She’s a great girl. ├óΓé¼┬ª We have to draw a line, at some point, with our personal lives, because otherwise, ya know, when do people stop?”

Don’t stop ’til WE get enough, baby!

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May 20, 2008 18:15pm PDT

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