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High School Girl's Basketball Coach Resigns After Biting One Of His Players In The Face!

high school basketball coach resigns after he bites player in the face
When you’re the head coach of a high school girl’s basketball, there are clear boundaries that you need to have with your players.
Well Leake Academy coach Doyle Wolverton apparently didn’t realize that biting your players is a definite no-no, and it (not surprisingly) ended up costing him his job!
Yes, you read that correctly.
During a game, the coach called a timeout and brought in his girls for a huddle. But things quickly escalated when he pulled in one of his players by the jersey and BIT her on the face!!
The girl was taken to a local Mississippi hospital, where doctors called the police since the injury was caused by an assault!
Strangely, the player’s parents chose to NOT press charges against him, however, the school wasn’t as accepting of his face-biting antics and they asked him to resign!
Doyle was the head coach at Leake Academy for 38 years where he accumulated 1,200 wins, but it looks like he’ll have to start looking for work elsewhere. Perhaps somewhere where biting your players is slightly less frowned upon!
Ch-ch-check out the full story …AFTER THE JUMP!!!

[Image via NBC.]

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Nov 21, 2013 17:32pm PDT

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