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How Does $100 To Breeze Through Airport Security Sound To You?

TSA Precheck
Pretty good, right?!
All you have to do is bribe a TSA agent nicknamed “Knuckles” to get through — JK!
It’s a new program that the TSA has that’s a lot like the Global Entry system, and in fact, they can use it too!
Alls you gotta do is pay $100 for a background check, have an interview, and skip having to take your shoes off and your laptop out in a special lane.
Oh, and you have to be invited by the airline.
It’s called Precheck, and is now at two airlines and nine airports.
Here’s what one customer said:

“It’s a completely different experience than what you’re used to. It’s really a jarring contrast. It reminds you just how much of a hassle the security procedures in place really are.”

Doesn’t this sound much better??
But still, once you’re accepted there’s this random thing that will embed a code into your boarding pass — if it’s there, you get through. If not, you have to do the regular screening, just at the front of the line.
That way it increases security.
Is this something U’d like to have?? Would it be worth it??
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 20, 2012 09:10am PDT

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