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James Cameron Sued For Stealing Idea For Avatar AGAIN?!

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Sue me once, shame on you. Sue me twice, stop suing me. Sue me three times, I said stop!! Sue me four times, WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP SUING ME???
James Cameron is being sued now for the fourth time, this time by someone claiming that he stole the idea of Avatar from Pocahontas Fern Gully images he created as an artist.
Artist William Roger Dean has filed a 17 page complaint against the Avatar director and Fox, saying that the aesthetic world of Pandora was largely ripped off from his work, and is claiming copyright infringement, breach of implied contact, unfair competition, and unjust enrichment. Oh, and a small 50 MILLION DOLLAHS! THAT’S A LOTTA UNOBTANIUM!
Not only that, William is asking the court for an injunction, a full accounting, and a court order to be posted on the web and beyond that the defendants stole his ideas. And not just for the first Avatar, but the sequels as well, and the Disney theme park.
James has one more lawsuit still pending, but has actually won 2 other lawsuits claiming that he somehow stole or plagiarized Avatar (one of them from a guy who claimed Avatar was taken from his book and scripts Bats and Butterflies! Haaaaaa!). We’ll see how this all pans out for James who’s been sued so many times, the only people who haven’t taken him to court for stealing ideas are the Winklevoss twins.
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 03, 2013 03:35am PDT

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