Jenelle Evans and David Eason are opening up about the death of the Teen Mom 2 alum’s beloved French Bulldog, Nugget.
And in a major sit-down interview with PeopleTV released late Monday night, Eason comes clean, confirming he did kill Nugget while appearing remorseful about the dog’s death and offering more context about what happened on that fateful day in eastern North Carolina.
Related: Jenelle And David Are Supposedly #StrongerThanEver Right Now…
As you’ll recall, Jenelle and David have been blasted by fans for months after news of Nugget’s death first hit the media back in May. CPS in North Carolina eventually took the pair’s children from their home as they investigated for animal cruelty and other issues, but slowly, life returned to normal for 31-year-old Eason and 27-year-old (now former) reality TV star Evans.
Well, now, during their recent trip to New York City, the pair thought it wise to come clean about the entire situation… and Eason, to his credit, sure does open up about what happened on that horrible day in May.
Speaking on the outlet’s People Now show, the southerner explained he was most worried about Nugget’s behavior towards his two-year-old daughter Ensley (below):
“It was a situation where my daughter, her health, her safety was in danger. This was something that nobody wants to ever have to do. The dog was aggressive. Yes, she might not be huge or whatever, but you know when a dog bites a child on the face more than one time, then it should never be around the child again. If you give the dog up for adoption, one day it’s going to be around children again. If you call the authorities at that point, the law says the dog has to be euthanized. I’m not going to pay anyone to euthanize my dog when I could do it myself. I mean, I loved that dog. I still think about her every day. It’s really hard for me. A lot of people put me down for it, they hate me for it, but like I said it was not something I wanted to do.”
Wow. That last part hits home, but still, there’s something to be said for him just flippantly being like “I could do it myself” when it comes to euthanizing the dog. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should?? And it all feels a bit like playing judge and jury with no recourse for the poor pup?!
Just saying…

One of the most interesting parts of the interview was when Jenelle admitted she was hoping the incident would never make it to the public. As she explained it, she only told one friend of hers what had happened — but the friend then told Nathan Griffith — five-year-old Kaiser‘s father — about the incident, and Griffith was the one who called 9-1-1 to do a welfare check on his son.
As the reality TV alum explains it (below):
“It was a private family issue that happened within our household. We didn’t want it getting out in the news at all. But Nathan called the cops and said, ‘Check on my son.’ TMZ got a hold of that 911 call and that’s how it got brought up in the news.”
Despite so much backlash in the aftermath of the incident, Jenelle was adamant things have gotten better within the family since that time.
This includes counseling sessions and better communication — and apparently another one of their dogs has been given away rather than euthanized after an incident at their property recently. Ummm….
Related: It Took Jenelle ‘Almost A Week’ To Get Over Nugget’s Death
The Teen Mom 2 alum explained more (below):
“I have [forgiven him], and we went to co-parenting counseling sessions — it’s kind of like a marriage session in one. And he’s also taken anger management classes; he took six classes, completed the whole course. So I mean, he did do things to try to better himself. We’ve been working out really well ever since. We got over it. Actually, my pitbull Jax, he actually killed one of our pigs recently. So instead of David saying, ‘Well let me euthanize the dog, let’s just give the dog away.’ So we gave the dog away instead … So he’s even taken the initiative to correct his actions and not repeat the same mistakes he’s made before.”
Uhhh, that’s something, we suppose…
If you’re interested, you can watch the full interview HERE. Like we said, David does actually appear truly remorseful and sad, to a degree, which is comforting to see if only to know that he regrets what he did to that poor little dog.
Still, it’s a very unfortunate and sad situation all the way around. Thoughts, Perezcious readers? Sound off on the interview and more in the comments (below)…
[Image via PeopleTV/Instagram]